For Spanish translation, dual certification is when a translator is certified from English to Spanish and from Spanish to English. And no, a certification in one direction does not give the certified translator the ability to translate into the other direction.
To become certified in Alberta, a translator must go through a strict examination process that tests their language transfer skills in one direction. To be certified from English to Spanish, a translator must first pass a Code of Ethics exam and a reading-comprehension test. The candidate must then write an associate-level translation exam (a sort of entry-level exam) from English to Spanish, and, if successful, they become an associate translator from English to Spanish.
The next step is the certification process. The requisites to become certified are to be an associate translator and have experience in translation in that language combination only. If a candidate meets these requisites, they can apply for certification through on-dossier or examination. If successful, they become an English to Spanish certified translation (EN>ES CTr).
Now, this is in one direction. To be certified from Spanish to English, a candidate must first pass a Code of Ethics exam and an English editing exam, then an associate-level translation exam and certification process from Spanish to English. For a translator to be certified in both directions, they need to go through the two processes.
ETS has dual certified translators in Spanish, which facilitates the legalization and apostilling processes for international use.
Why does a translator have to go through these two different processes if it’s just one language combination?
A translator needs to be a good writer in both languages to be a dual translator. To be a good writer, an individual needs to master the language to which they are translating. This is not always the case for bilingual individuals or translators: a person whose mother tongue is Spanish, has lived in Latin America, and has mastery of grammar, syntax and spelling in Spanish will probably be an excellent writer in that language. Context, background and a lifetime speaking the language would shape their writing skills.
If that same person can properly communicate in English in their country of origin but has recently arrived in Alberta and is not familiar with the local language use and English conventions, they will probably not master English at the same level. ATIA actually recommends candidates to translate to their mother language or language of habitual use.
Some translators with dual certification have a background of family speaking in two or more languages; some have a history of living in several countries since childhood; some have an academic background in linguistics; some have moved to Canada years ago and learned the mechanics and use of the language. There is not one way to acquire mastery in two languages, but the examinations by ATIA certainly prove that level of skill.
How does dual certification help me?
With dual certification (EN<>ES), ETS is able submit dual affidavits to be apostilled in Alberta and then used in Spanish-speaking countries. This reduces back-and-forth processes with two translators certified in one direction only, allowing efficiency and avoiding unnecessary steps and related costs. If you need translated documents to be used in Latin America that require to be apostilled, you are in the right place. At ETS, we take care of your entire process from translation to apostilling, and make sure that your documents are ready to be used in the country of intent. Contact us… we will be happy to help!