ETS Translation Solutions

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Service required

Type of translation

My original document is written in:

My document needs to be translated to:

Type of documents

For example, you can say “Corporate bylaws to be used overseas,” “evidence to be submitted in court,” “patents requested by certain authority,” or “a highly technical document.” You can refer to our translation page to see the services we can provide. If you checked “other” on the language section, please include the languages requested here. You can also specify how many pages or words your documents have.

Are your documents going to be used by international authorities overseas?

Do you need your documents to be apostilled?

Do you want ETS's AIDA to take care of the apostillng process


No Files ChosenAccepted file types: jpg, jpeg, jpe, gif, png, bmp, tiff, tif, pdf, doc, xla, xls, xlt, xlw, docx, docm, dotx, dotm, xlsx, xlsm, pptx, pptm, ppsx, key, numbers, pages. Max. file size: 5 MB

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